NORTH-EAST CROATIA: SLAVONIA, BARANJA AND SYRMIA #pannonianplane #northeastcroatia #slavonia #baranja #syrmia #osijek #vukovar #ilok #rivers #danube #drava #castlesandmanors #natureparks #UNESCO #becarac  #gingerbreadhandcraft  #folklore #wine #craftbeer #food

go to link Slavonia and Baranja are geographical and historical regions situated in the northeastern part of Croatia, surrounded by three rivers – the Drava River to the north, the Sava River to the south and the Dunav River to the east. The largest city in the region is Osijek. The territory of Slavonia and Baranja is divided between five counties: Osijek-Baranja, Brod-Posavina, Požega-Slavonia, Virovitica-Podravina and Vukovar-Srijem county. Counties cover 12 556 km2. Shaped by the mighty rivers that produced the rich and fertile soil, Slavonia is characterised as “golden” due to the endless golden plains of wheat crops. It is also the habitat of very rich flora and fauna: centuries-old oak forests, more than 2000 biological species, up to 293 species of birds in the nature park Kopački rit (Important Bird Area) and the last but not least, this is the land of tradition and a rich cultural heritage.Boho travel art, Slavonia and Baranja Experience Slavonia, Baranja and Syrmia with all your senses enjoying:

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  • good food, good food and some more good food: this is the oasis of culinary delights…
  • … wine and spirits,
  • craft beer
  • parks and gardens
  • traditional villages and culture
  • picturesque vineyards and old wine cellars
  • nature parks
  • the State Stud Farm with Lipizzan horses
  • the preserved authentic Croatian folk heritage with various colourful costumes
  • UNESCO: bećarac – traditional singing and playing
  • warm, welcoming and friendly people
  • Baroque, secession, castles and fortresses